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JL.PotroAgung III
IndoMedical Equipment adalah perusahaan yang mensuplly kebutuhan peralatan rumah sakit, seperti Ranjang rumah sakit, kursi roda, tongkat, inkubator, ranjang ambulans, ranjang bayi, peralatan operasi, trol oxigen, floor lamp, tempat infus, kabinet ranjang, lemari, troli laundry, troli kebersihan, troli makanan, pemisah ruangan, dan masih banyak lagi. Produk Indo Medical Equipment tersedia dalam berbagai macam jenis dan harga yang bersaing. Indo Medical Equipment siap untuk melayani pemesanan Anda dimana dan dalam jumlah berapa pun. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Indo Medical Equipment is a company that suplly hospital medical equipment, such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, examine table, stretcher, transfer trolley chart, fisiotherapy bed, gynaecolog chair, children hospiyal bed, baby cot, incubator, bed resusi, single bowl, double bowl, infusion stand, walker, kruck, foot stool, oxygen trolley, floor lamp, phototherapy unit, murtuary carriage, patient transfer, urinal and bedpan trolley, linen trolley, laundry trolley, food trolley, bedside cabinet, medicine cabinet, bed scren, mayo stand and much more. Indo Medical Equipment Productsis available in various types and competitive prices. Indo Medical Equipment is ready to serve your booking where and in any amount.